Sunday, February 10, 2013

Other Factors that Affect my Health

Recently, I began eating raw carrots as a method of doing a cleanse, but since they are also high in Thiocyanate, I think I will continue eating them after I'm done with the cleanse. (They also taste yummy!) The cleanse is to help rid my body of parasites, which are quite unaddressed in Western Medicine, and yet can make the body feel off center. There are many different types, and sometimes when I feel things are not right with my body, when I have persistent joint pain for example or my stomach feels different in a gross sort of way, I suspect that the culprit might be parasites in my body from drinking unfiltered water. I'm very sensitive to the type of water I drink and therefore usually only go for filtered. However, when I'm incredibly thirsty and don't have options besides buying an expensive bottle of water, I usually opt to refill my water bottle from the tap. That's what I did last weekend and my body took to feeling weird a few days after. Hence, the cleanse. You can read more about parasites and their symptoms here.

As a woman, another factor that affects my health is my period, which, unfortunately, comes around every month. Back in October and November, when I had my two crises in my back, they both came right after my period. When I realized that was happening, I decided to go back to my diet and see if things improved. Looking back, I also realized that I had the same back pain, but not crisis level, in August before leaving. Looking further back, I realized that in my first few months of high school, I also was having crises in my back, though I can't remember if those were linked to my period or not. Realizing that my body feels a certain type of way (weak!) at a certain point in the month helped me to make my decision to go forward and be healthier. Starting an observation routine, by using a chart or a journal, can help you to figure out what's happening to your body and when, because our bodies do have their own rhythms, and can best help you figure out how to manage your health.

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