Sunday, December 30, 2012

A More In Depth Update

30 December

I feel like I’ve been having mysterious, almost Sickle Cell pains since I started drinking the Chlorophyll, or maybe a tiny bit before that. It’s weird. Maybe my body is incredibly tired? I cannot wait for the Serrapeptase to get here!

Since I don’t know what’s going on with my body and since it seems like the mysterious pains may be linked to the chlorophyll. I think I will take it every other day. Or what if the pains are because I do not have enough thiocyanate in my body? I really wish there was a greater wealth of information out there for me to judge my experiences by!

Maybe it’s not related at all to the chlorophyll, perhaps it’s the way I fell from ice skating on Thursday. In any case, I will keep taking the LC because it provides what my body needs and I don’t want to discontinue it’s everyday use so soon.

I must note that I was getting pains in my eyes a bit last week and the week before. I have to keep track of these and have an appointment ready with Dr. Svitra when I get back home.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

27 December

I’ve been feeling like there’s a bit of inflammation above my left knee at night the past 2 days and I’m wondering if it has anything to do with the chlorophyll? I am so excited for my Serrapeptase to get here! 

I decided to discontinue purchasing carrot juice (I had purchased it on a whim in the first place). From research I did about carrot juice, it is best to have it freshly juiced as it does not keep well in the fridge. I bought mine from a huge supermarket/department store, and the only ingredients were carrot and lemon juice. However, from research I did, bottled carrot juice doesn't keep as well and may not contain as many nutrients. Perhaps it does have benefits, or perhaps it is more like orange juice (all the oxygen is sucked out and flavour is re-added through flavour packs, so it's just colored water by the end of the process.) In any case, since I don't have enough knowledge about the actual benefits of the carrot juice I bought and based on the research I did, I decided to discontinue purchasing it. Plain old carrots are good enough for me.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

26 December

Bottoms of my feet are no longer yellow as far as I can tell. Received my chlorophyll today and had my first tablespoon in a cup of water. It was incredibly green. I hope that it will help my health! Here’s to greener pastures! (pun intended)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

23 December

The bottoms of my feet are yellow. I wonder if it is because I have been drinking carrot juice recently. Yet another thing to worry about.

Friday, December 21, 2012

A Second, More Informed Decision to Change

21 December

         I have been eating a diet high in thiocyanate, mainly lentils, chickpeas, plantains, and bananas, but I have also been feeling quite tired. I suppose I haven’t been eating enough greens so I will remedy that later today by buying String Beans. I have also been eating a lot of eggs because they are packed with nutrients. Yesterday I did some research[1] and came across a blog where a woman talks about taking care of her son who has SC. I commented asking what she uses and below is what she described.


Have you had any crisis while eating this diet? I just find the herbs work so much more better for my son. I give him Liquid Chlorophyll, Nattokinase-Serrapeptase, I get LC from Sprouts or you can also find at Whole Foods. I get the Nattokinase-Serrapeptase from one of the local natural health stores in the neighborhood. I also give him Folic Acid/B6/B12, this come in one bottle and dissolves in your mouth, I get this from the natural health store as well. And lastly the Beet root juice, i get from Sprouts. So LC helps raise hemoglobin, increases oxygen, builds red blood cells, detoxes the kidney and Nattokinase prevents the blood from clotting up and sticking together. It helps the blood to flow in the most natural state, getting rid of all the bad protein and toxins in the blood. the Beet juice is good for the blood and raising hemoglobin as well. I've had GREAT success using this combination. I can rely on only food right now with my son because he's just 4 and he's not going to eat enough leafy green vegetables that will prevent him from having crisis so it's easier to put in his juice, this way I know he's getting all the nutrients he need to prevent crisis. Also we stopped eating processed foods, we eat lots of fruits and veggies but that's good you are eating the foods you are eating by all means still eat those foods but you may need more herbs to completely help the situation..

Take care.

         I don’t know about finding these things in France, but I will try to get my hands on them. I feel like my whole life has been a quest for normal living, and my diet now feels more normal, but I would like to be even more normal. I will keep searching, keep trying, and keep documenting. Natural is definitely the way to go. If I had listened to my doctors, I would definitely have been dead already because the pain is just unbearable at times, and for them to have told me that drinking lots of water and taking painkillers when necessary was the only thing I could do was incredibly false. I should also try to get the word out as much as possible about Thiocyanate and eating a healthy diet because this is changing my life for the better and I want those changes to continue and to expand for everyone suffering from this horrible disease.

         Here’s the plan. Today I ordered Liquid Chlorophyll from I will add this to my diet and keep it for a month. Seeing how I feel from there, I will look into adding Nattokinase-Serrapeptase to my diet. I will keep record, maybe not daily, but will keep record of how I feel. Right now I feel tired, as if my eyes are half open, as if there is a bit of a strain behind my eyes. I am hoping that will clear up in a few days, and I am sure I feel that way because my diet is not varied enough. With these results in hand, I will begin to share my findings with others who have sickle cell, especially my cousins in Florida who are often sick.

         Today I am adding carrot juice to my diet, and will be eating a more variegated diet from now on. I may keep a record of the foods I eat.
