Sunday, December 30, 2012

A More In Depth Update

30 December

I feel like I’ve been having mysterious, almost Sickle Cell pains since I started drinking the Chlorophyll, or maybe a tiny bit before that. It’s weird. Maybe my body is incredibly tired? I cannot wait for the Serrapeptase to get here!

Since I don’t know what’s going on with my body and since it seems like the mysterious pains may be linked to the chlorophyll. I think I will take it every other day. Or what if the pains are because I do not have enough thiocyanate in my body? I really wish there was a greater wealth of information out there for me to judge my experiences by!

Maybe it’s not related at all to the chlorophyll, perhaps it’s the way I fell from ice skating on Thursday. In any case, I will keep taking the LC because it provides what my body needs and I don’t want to discontinue it’s everyday use so soon.

I must note that I was getting pains in my eyes a bit last week and the week before. I have to keep track of these and have an appointment ready with Dr. Svitra when I get back home.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

27 December

I’ve been feeling like there’s a bit of inflammation above my left knee at night the past 2 days and I’m wondering if it has anything to do with the chlorophyll? I am so excited for my Serrapeptase to get here! 

I decided to discontinue purchasing carrot juice (I had purchased it on a whim in the first place). From research I did about carrot juice, it is best to have it freshly juiced as it does not keep well in the fridge. I bought mine from a huge supermarket/department store, and the only ingredients were carrot and lemon juice. However, from research I did, bottled carrot juice doesn't keep as well and may not contain as many nutrients. Perhaps it does have benefits, or perhaps it is more like orange juice (all the oxygen is sucked out and flavour is re-added through flavour packs, so it's just colored water by the end of the process.) In any case, since I don't have enough knowledge about the actual benefits of the carrot juice I bought and based on the research I did, I decided to discontinue purchasing it. Plain old carrots are good enough for me.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

26 December

Bottoms of my feet are no longer yellow as far as I can tell. Received my chlorophyll today and had my first tablespoon in a cup of water. It was incredibly green. I hope that it will help my health! Here’s to greener pastures! (pun intended)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

23 December

The bottoms of my feet are yellow. I wonder if it is because I have been drinking carrot juice recently. Yet another thing to worry about.

Friday, December 21, 2012

A Second, More Informed Decision to Change

21 December

         I have been eating a diet high in thiocyanate, mainly lentils, chickpeas, plantains, and bananas, but I have also been feeling quite tired. I suppose I haven’t been eating enough greens so I will remedy that later today by buying String Beans. I have also been eating a lot of eggs because they are packed with nutrients. Yesterday I did some research[1] and came across a blog where a woman talks about taking care of her son who has SC. I commented asking what she uses and below is what she described.


Have you had any crisis while eating this diet? I just find the herbs work so much more better for my son. I give him Liquid Chlorophyll, Nattokinase-Serrapeptase, I get LC from Sprouts or you can also find at Whole Foods. I get the Nattokinase-Serrapeptase from one of the local natural health stores in the neighborhood. I also give him Folic Acid/B6/B12, this come in one bottle and dissolves in your mouth, I get this from the natural health store as well. And lastly the Beet root juice, i get from Sprouts. So LC helps raise hemoglobin, increases oxygen, builds red blood cells, detoxes the kidney and Nattokinase prevents the blood from clotting up and sticking together. It helps the blood to flow in the most natural state, getting rid of all the bad protein and toxins in the blood. the Beet juice is good for the blood and raising hemoglobin as well. I've had GREAT success using this combination. I can rely on only food right now with my son because he's just 4 and he's not going to eat enough leafy green vegetables that will prevent him from having crisis so it's easier to put in his juice, this way I know he's getting all the nutrients he need to prevent crisis. Also we stopped eating processed foods, we eat lots of fruits and veggies but that's good you are eating the foods you are eating by all means still eat those foods but you may need more herbs to completely help the situation..

Take care.

         I don’t know about finding these things in France, but I will try to get my hands on them. I feel like my whole life has been a quest for normal living, and my diet now feels more normal, but I would like to be even more normal. I will keep searching, keep trying, and keep documenting. Natural is definitely the way to go. If I had listened to my doctors, I would definitely have been dead already because the pain is just unbearable at times, and for them to have told me that drinking lots of water and taking painkillers when necessary was the only thing I could do was incredibly false. I should also try to get the word out as much as possible about Thiocyanate and eating a healthy diet because this is changing my life for the better and I want those changes to continue and to expand for everyone suffering from this horrible disease.

         Here’s the plan. Today I ordered Liquid Chlorophyll from I will add this to my diet and keep it for a month. Seeing how I feel from there, I will look into adding Nattokinase-Serrapeptase to my diet. I will keep record, maybe not daily, but will keep record of how I feel. Right now I feel tired, as if my eyes are half open, as if there is a bit of a strain behind my eyes. I am hoping that will clear up in a few days, and I am sure I feel that way because my diet is not varied enough. With these results in hand, I will begin to share my findings with others who have sickle cell, especially my cousins in Florida who are often sick.

         Today I am adding carrot juice to my diet, and will be eating a more variegated diet from now on. I may keep a record of the foods I eat.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Big Update

November 1

I have been writing down the foods I have been eating for the past few days, I only stopped on Monday, 29 October, because my backache returned, but there was also left leg pain around the knee and thigh and right hip pain. I still suspect that I’m taking in too much sugar. Marie (henceforth MPB) asked me on the Thursday before vacation whether I was expecting a baby, evidence that my enlarged stomach has been noticed by others. Funny because I had noticed a few days before that it was enlarged and felt rather uncomfortable, and I felt the problem would be cured by a laxative, which did in fact help. Research has led me to believe that perhaps the cause was NSAIDs, which may lead to water retention.

Before I came to France, at the end of August/beginning of September, my period was accompanied by throatache, fever, and backache. The fever was brought down by Tylenol, which I don’t have with me now, the throat ache by honey and onions (it lasted a few days) and the backache by mineral ice and ibuprofen as well as Tylenol if I’m correct. (Of course, at that point I was questioning whether or not I should really come to France.) The fact that I’ve now remembered this is essential because this is the 3rd such throatachey and backachey period I’ve had.

I notice that when I drink large amounts of water, I simply pee it out and pee frequently. The article that I just read[1] talks about how painkillers, specifically NSAIDs can cause water retention, and that drinking water isn’t what actually helps the cells get water. But having a diet high in healthy fats does. (Mind-blown).

Right now I’ve got inflammation in my ribs, and from what I saw last night, they actually almost look swollen on the right side. I know I don’t want to go to the hospital. I don’t want needles, I don’t want strong painkillers. I just want the pain to go away. I have no idea how long it’s going to take because the painkillers I take all have some side effect that I feel more quickly. Codeine gives me cramping and sends me to the toilet, NSAIDs give me severe cramps and send me to the toilet. Not a good forecast.

So now what? Back to studying my former diet to see what worked. Back to eating eggs everyday because they are high in the fat that my diet needs.

UPDATE: The article I recently cited says that too much water without adequate minerals could be a cause for water retention. But I’ve been drinking mineral water since I’ve arrived so that should be fine.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

October 4

It would seem that some of the side effects of the meds I took on Monday are having to pee more frequently (though perhaps that’s just because I’m drinking more water??), my ulcers are aggravated and act up especially when I eat bananas, and I have diarrhea, which I attribute to the Codeine.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hindsight Observations

October 2

         I reread a bit of my journal, and in rereading and connecting the general observations about my health, my suspicions about my body running in cycles when it comes to the pain have been confirmed. At the end of August my body was feeling down and hurty and at the end of September/beginning of October, my body has been hurting like crazy. The event that links them is my period. My body is always somewhat down when I have it, I get pain around my knees and my lower body is not as willing to support me. Last month I had hip and knee pain when my period was coming to an end. This time it was/is back pain and arm pain and general joints. Yesterday was crazy, I think I had to take about 4 Codeine, 2  NurofenFlash, which I bought here, and 3 Sleeping Acetaminophen to get me through the day/night, as well as the Mineral Ice gel. Thankfully they all helped and I was able to get through my first day of teaching alright.
         Now that I know what to keep an eye out for, at the end of this month when my period comes I will add more Iron and Thiocyanate filled foods to my diet so I can build up my blood strength. I think I will also begin keeping a food journal once more, or up least update it in terms of my health so I can understand the patterns that my body is cycling through. I also had excessive food cravings and was overly cold last week, which is probably another sign pointing to me being sick yesterday and today. So for my next period, I will be sure to add more Iron and Thiocyanate rich foods to my diet so that my body can feel better.
         Let it also be noted that I gave up on the Food Journal and the diet because I didn’t feel like my efforts were amounting to much (as well as the pressure from my parents who felt offended that I wasn’t eating their food). But now that I understand a bit better what my body is doing, I will start eating more of the foods on the list and maybe I’ll record them to have an idea of what works best and what doesn’t.


Scrambled Eggs with Ham and Onions

Sunday, July 29, 2012

July 29

Feeling fine. Eating my Thiocyanate containing foods and drinking lots of water like I should.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day? 26 July

Not feeling well tonight. Wondering if it’s because I tried to work out two days ago or because of stress or just because life sucks sometimes. Wondering what I’m gonna do in France if I can’t handle job stress or my health. This all points to suckiness and things that don’t bode well. My ribs hurt and so does the muscle in my right leg. How am I supposed to live if my body thwarts me every time I try to live? Is it worth it to go to France? How will I do for seven months if I keep getting sick despite the fact that I’m eating pretty healthy? I honestly don’t know what to do. I have a good job, for the most part, right now. I could keep it, and not stress about it. If I go overseas for seven months, how will I fare mentally and emotionally?

Monday, July 23, 2012

Day ? – 23 July

Last week was terrible so I didn’t really keep up with this, but I’ve still been eating as healthy as possible. The stomach pains lasted for half the week, landing me in the ER Tuesday early morning. Today it’s almost completely gone.

Curried Barley Pilaf w. Raisins and Almonds
Curried Lentils
Strawberry Cake
Wise Corn Chips
Later Snack
Curried Barley Pilaf w. Raisins and Almonds
Later Snack
Even Later
Two Bags Wise Corn Chips
Chamomile Tea
Even Later
Strawberry Cake

Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 20 – 16 July

Rice and Beans
Curried Lentils
Steamed Carrots w. Watercress

The pain’s mostly gone today, the memories of it remain in my muscles. Diarrhea this morning.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 19 – 15 July

Pain above my elbows and around my knees, and ribs persists today, called out sick to work. Stomach hurts from having to take Ibuprofen yesterday. The pain comes and goes in waves. Ulcers suck.

Brown Rice and Beans
Brown Rice and Beans
Strawberry Coconut Smoothie

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 18 – 14 July

 The upper left arm was hurting on and off all day. Was it the alcohol last night? Or was it the stress from the job? Or was it all three?

Scrambled Eggs
Later Lunch
Potato Knish
Yuca Chips
Much Later
Veggie Crackers
Vegetable Soup

Friday, July 13, 2012

Day 17 – 13 July

The things coming out of my body lately/this morning have been scary! I don’t know if it’s because I’m on the new diet and my body is seeking to detox itself, or if it’s because I have food poisoning because of my fridge. My stomach hasn’t been hurting to indicate food poisoning, so I wonder if it’s the detox! I also took the laxative pill yesterday because I needed it. Yesterday, the area under my chin, near my throat was hurting. Indication of problems with my thyroid? I desire to eat plantains today. I must purchase some. Also, today the fridge seems fine!
Curried Barley Pilaf
Bagel w. Butter
Steamed Mussels w. White Bread
Other tasty morsels from restaurant
Various amounts of wine, beer, rum and coke, and vodka (?) and pineapple juice

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 16 – 12 July

Joints were hurting last night/this morning, so I took half a codeine. I also had to use my inhaler, which resulted in me not being able to sleep for a few hours. Prognosis: I need a laxative.

Cream of Wheat
Curried Lentils
Curried Lentils
Rice w. Green Peas
Later Dinner
Cream of Wheat
Much Later
Bagel w. Butter

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day 15 – 11 July

Curried Barley Pilaf
Curried Lentils
Barley Pilaf
Later Lunch
Rice and Beans Empanada
Even Later Lunch
Beef and Potatoes Empanada
Early Dinner
Barley Pilaf
Lindsay Butter Crunch Cookies
Fried Chicken
Rice w. Green Peas
Later Dinner
Rice w. Green Peas
Fried Onion Stuff

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 14 – 10 July

My knees are  a bit sore today, I guess I’ve been taking the stairs too much? I sure didn’t drink enough water yesterday (1st day of period -_-)

Carroty Cream of Wheat
Half a Bagel with Butter
2 Bananas (a few hours apart)
Sweet Plantain
Curried Lentils
Wise Corn Chips
Carroty Cream of Wheat
Curried Barley Pilaf

Teddy grabbed my right arm today above the elbow, the other problem area. It doesn’t hurt, though the muscle has a memory of soreness, which is really a minor threat of SCKD pain, or the memory of it. Or both.

         It has officially been two weeks on my new diet, and this is a life changing experience. I haven’t been taking pain killers nearly as much, though there was a dose and half yesterday for my period. My body feels better, more whole, less weak, more strong. I’m tolerating the cold of the air conditioner on the trains and buses better. It’s just different. I’m excited to see how things progress as my body produces new blood cells and the old sickled ones die away. I don’t know how long it will take my body to make new ones, but I will keep recording how I feel! I could not be doing this job if it were not for my diet change, I would be too weak. It’s good not to feel so weak all the time. And I can walk more!!!! (^_^)

         The down side is the diarrhea, that’s persisted over the past few days. But my stomach has issues in general. I will take a laxative Thursday night to see if that solves my problems.[1]

[1] I found out much later that there was a problem with my refrigerator and that must have been what was causing the bloating and other symptoms as opposed to my dietary changes.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 13 – 9 July

Almost 2 weeks!!! Teddy grabbed my left arm today above the elbow which has ALWAYS been a problem spot but it’s not the usual SCKD pain, just a minor threatening that it could be there.

Rice and Beans
Curried Lentils
White Yams
Carrots and Beef
Curried Lentils
Corn Chips
Later Dinner
Maiz Moulin
White Sauce Pois
Spinach, Okra, Mushrooms, and Beef
Carroty Cream of Wheat

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day 12 – 8 July

Food poisoning this morning? Or pre-cramp pains? I’m supposed to be leaving for work shortly, but I’m stuck on the toilet with bad pains.

Bran Flakes
Plantains, Yams, Spinach & Mushrooms
Sausage Empanada
Rice w. Beans
Carrots w. Beef
Red Cabbage
Red Velvet (O.O)

Diarrhea and bloating all dayyyy. Granted, my period seems to be here, but this is some ridiculous diarrhea, like omg. My fingernails are still gray around the edges on my left hand.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Day 11 – 7 July

A bit of joint pain last night/this morning, in the a.m. times. Perhaps I’ve not been drinking enough water lately? I also forgot to take my folic acid at the proper time one of the past few days. The stairs haven’t been bothering me as much lately. I’ve been up and down pretty frequently, with no negative consequences. Is this the beginning of a new life?

White Yams w. Scrambled Eggs
Red Velvet
Red Velvet
Curried Lentils

A little more joint pain earlier.

Red Velvet
Curried Lentils
Apple Puff
Batata w. Spinach and Mushrooms

Noticed today that the fingernails on my right hand were really dirty, but it turns out it’s not dirt, there’s just a layer of black under my nail bed on my right thumb, and the cuticles and nails of the other fingers look dirty. Looking for the causes now. Thiocyanate overload??
It would seem that I have cyanide poisoning, which could explain my excess tiredness and confusion/loss for words/inability to find the right words recently. I shall eat normally every other day and have less Thiocyanate containing foods on a regular basis.
I’ve also been having trouble falling asleep the past few nights, wonder if that’s related. And the joint pain! Or perhaps these are merely cinnamon stains? It’s difficult to say…
"Finally, chronic consumption of cyanide-containing foods, such as cassava root or apricot seeds,[1] may lead to cyanide poisoning.
Overall, depending on its form, cyanide may cause toxicity through parenteral administration, inhalation, ingestion, or dermal absorption. (See the chart below.) [1]
Gradual ingestion. The gradual ingestion of cyanide can cause general weakness, confusion, bizarre behavior, excessive sleepiness, shortness of breath, seizures, headaches, dizziness and coma. Over time, the cherry colored skin will develop and even some of the cyanide poisoning symptoms pertaining to an acute digestion will begin to show up as well. If you're showing these signs, don't ignore them. Especially if you work in a field that exposes you to things that can give off cyanide.[2]"


Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 10 – 6 July

I haven’t been feeling the need to keep this up urgently. I’ve been feeling better lately. I don’t feel fragile like I used to. I’ve walked a lot within the past few days, and my leg muscles haven’t attacked me. I had a bit of muscle cramping this morning, but I had plantains today so I think the potassium helped with that, and the cramping was pretty minor. A bit of arm pain around the elbow last night, but I think that’s because I didn’t drink enough water yesterday. This is different. I like the way I feel. I feel good.

White Yams w. Scrambled Eggs
Chamomile Tea
Sweet Plantain
Later Lunch
Sweet Plantain
Red Velvet  (^_^)
Curried Lentils

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 9 – 5 July

Today I feel no repercussions for yesterday’s excessive walking. Also went to the beach today and was cold, but not body hurting lots cold. Hmm… This diet seems to be treating me well…

Cream of Wheat
Scrambled Eggs w. Légume
Oatmeal Cookie
Lindsay Butter Crunch Cookies
A few Doritos
White Yams