Sunday, January 13, 2013

Adding More Fruits to My Diet

As promised, I have added more fruits to my diet! On Monday I went and purchased 4 apples and 4 oranges. My body doesn't seem to respond well to when I eat apples, it seems to confuse my stomach so that I don't know how hungry I am afterwards or how full. I've decided that I'll purchase apple sauce instead of buying apples because of how my body reacts to them. The apple sauce I buy has no added sugar, so I don't need to worry about that. Sugar causes inflammation in the body, so I try not to consume more of it than necessary. The oranges I purchased are a type called Clemenvilla and they are really delicious! I have a whole supply for the week ahead and am really looking forward to eating them all. A while back, before I was diagnosed with stomach ulcers, I was having strange reactions to eating oranges. Sometimes it felt like they were too acidic for me and I had trouble eating them on an empty stomach, so I was worried I might have the same reaction with these oranges, but none of that has happened thankfully! They are more sweet than anything else and taste great. I also purchased bananas yesterday, finally, after weeks of avoiding them! I had one today and I had no negative reactions to it, so I hope it will stay that way. Bananas are packed with nutrients and are so good for the body, and I want to keep them as part of my daily routine. Did I mention that they also contain Thiocyanate, which is what my body is deficient in and causes my disease? Yet another great reason to love them!

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