Friday, January 11, 2013

Repost from a comment on the Sickle Cell Natural Healings Blog. Informative!

Click the highlighted text to see the original post and comment! It takes a bit of scrolling down the page.

In the 1970’s when Linus Pauling discovered the molecular basis of the sickle cell anemia, he contended it was a nutrient-deficiency disease. Houston and others have followed in his steps with numerous valid arguments, including clinical reports from the 1930’s and 1940s of the benefits of thiocianate in sickle cell blood. In his seminal article in which he lays out the evidence, both epidemiological and biochemical, Houston reviews the literature describing how Jamaicans who have immigrated to the United States have developed sickle cell anemia, a genetic ‘disease’ of which they had not even been aware. When some of these Jamaican natives returned to their island (and to their native diets) the sickle cell anemia crises subsided completely. Foods containing thiocyanate compounds are vegetables from the brassica family such as cabbage and broccoli, the seeds of most fruits, flax seeds, bitter almonds, the grain millet, and some pulses (beans). Africans have food preparation customs which lower the cyanate content of their staples, the cassava and African yam (no relation with potato), to safe levels. 

Although currently it is studied as a anti-cancer micronutrient, thiocyanate suffered a bad rap due to the fact that, on its metabolic path in the body, it turns into cyanide. However, pure cyanide, a molecule of carbon and one of nitrogen united by a triple bond, has existed long before any life form existed on Earth. Human body, and other vertebrates as well, can handle minute amounts of this highly poisonous substance. In fact cyanide has a role in the synthesis of vitamin B12. After making use of it, the body turns the cyanide back into thiocyanate with the help of the enzyme rhodanide synthetase. Sufficient protein intake is needed for this conversion to take place. Additonally, individuals who eat thiocyanate-rich foods have to supplement with iodine. 

There are dozens of plants containing thiocyanate or various compounds of cyanide, and one pioneer in revealing their health-giving properties, Ernst T. Krebs, has called them nitrilosides. Krebs, who contended that thiocyanate should be accepted as a vitamin (B17), researched animal diets as a student of zoology and found that most animals, including those living at the North Pole, have a thiocyanate source in the diet. 

Sickle cell patients were found to be clinical deficient in many micronutrients, including the amino acid Arginine, the minerals zinc, magnesium and the B vitamins. Some studies show that these and other nutrients such as fish oil, and a combination of folic acid, aged garlic, l-Arginine, vitamins E and C have had beneficial effects on the health of these patients. The mineral zinc, for example, was found to reduce leg ulcers, which are often associated with sickle cell anemia, while the mineral magnesium pidolate was found to reduce the crises.


  1. good blog :) here's more info on anemia if required

    1. Thanks William, and sorry for not replying earlier, I'm just now seeing this comment!

  2. Thanks for sharing interesting and helpful information about Sickle Cell Natural Healings.
    Sickle Cell anemia

  3. You're welcome Ademola. I have actually been taking Moringa lately which is incredibly helpful, I may have to update the blog and write about it.
