Monday, January 7, 2013

Is My Body Too Alkaline?

I was reading the Sickle Cell - Natural Healings Blog, and I saw something listed on the side about Chlorophyll:

Chlorophyll Benefits

*Builds red blood cells
*Delivers magnesium which makes our bodies more alkaline
*Improves oxygen throughout our body
*Builds hemoglobin
*Cleanse the liver
*Prevents the growth of bacteria

I began to wonder then if my body is not too alkaline. I habitually put Apple Cider Vinegar in my water, and I began doing that to help me with digestion. Due to my ulcers, I was getting a bloated stomach after eating, and it was very uncomfortable for me. Something I heard from my health teacher in the Spring semester of 2012 and research that I did online led me to find that ACV is good for helping with digestion. Among other things! ACV is also good for helping heal warts and other fungi on the skin, and drinking 2-3 tablespoons of it in a glass of water everyday helps to keep the body alkaline, which makes it a hostile environment for the common cold. However, too much of a good thing is a bad thing! The Liquid Chlorophyll is making my body alkaline as well as the ACV, and perhaps that is why my body has been feeling a bit not so great yesterday and today. My main problem with ACV is that I like the taste of it, and thinking of the benefits, I just usually add a bit to my water every time I have a glass.  I have also noticed that when I add ACV to my water, it stays in my body longer and I don't have to run to the bathroom every 45 minutes. (I drink a LOT of water everyday to keep myself nice and hydrated and I have to run to the bathroom very often!!!) But I shall cut back and see what happens. I'm sure I will still experience the benefits of it being as how I will still drink a bit in the morning, or probably after I have a heavy meal, and the LC will also be helping make my body more alkaline.

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