Saturday, June 15, 2013

Discontinued Use of Liquid Chlorophyll

One thing that I haven't considered as a factor in my health for a while is Liquid Chlorophyll. I discontinued my use of it a few days before I returned to the USA, not because I wasn't pleased with it, but because moving was interrupting my daily patterns. I would say it's been about 5-6 weeks since I last took any. What I will do is first commence this new treatment with Mastic Gum for my ulcers, and once that is through, I will once more purchase LC to begin using daily. I also need to work on making sure my diet is well rounded, with enough essential building blocks such as Calcium, Iron, Folate, etc. to keep my whole body in good health instead of feeling like one part of my body (usually legs, arms, or ribs) is weaker or hurts on certain days and not others. What I want to remind everyone is that though what I am doing is not a cure, it  is a new way of eating and treating my body that has worked incredibly for me, and that's why I'm sharing it with you, that way someone in your life may also have positive results and begin to feel better in their bodies.


  1. Good to have you back. Good to know that you are feeling strong and great.
    Now about LC, is it okay to continue taking it?

    1. Hey Ugo! Thanks for your comment :) I'm sure it's okay to keep taking Liquid Chlorophyll, but for right now, I am going to focus on letting my ulcers heal before I purchase and start taking LC again. That's just a personal choice for myself. It's a good thing to add to your daily routine though because it acts as hemoglobin in the body. There's more information about it here:

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