Sunday, June 16, 2013

Cabbage Juice!

In my research about what is good for healing ulcers, I read about red cabbage and how it can help the stomach in the healing process. Today, I finally bought a red cabbage and pureed it and drank a cup, and have a good sized container to last me the next week and a half. I'll be drinking at least one cup a day on an empty stomach and will continue for at least a month, maybe two. Cabbage is also a Thiocyanate rich food, so I may just continue drinking cabbage puree as part of my daily routine until I get tired of it. Yet another easy way for me to stay healthy (as well as help my ulcers heal)! :D


  1. Cabbage Juice! It have thiocyanate rich food. Juice of any thing is very good for the health. I like noni juice.

    Tahitian Noni Juice

    1. Hey Lucas, I've never actually heard of noni juice, I'm gonna look into it, thanks for the link! :)

  2. Have you heard of dmso? and msm might be helpful has the sulfur that cabbage has.

    1. Actually yes, I have heard of DMSO but never looked into it for treating Sickle Cell. I didn't know that MSM has the sulfur that cabbage has, I just learned something new. Thank you for sharing and commenting!!! :D
