Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hindsight Observations

October 2

         I reread a bit of my journal, and in rereading and connecting the general observations about my health, my suspicions about my body running in cycles when it comes to the pain have been confirmed. At the end of August my body was feeling down and hurty and at the end of September/beginning of October, my body has been hurting like crazy. The event that links them is my period. My body is always somewhat down when I have it, I get pain around my knees and my lower body is not as willing to support me. Last month I had hip and knee pain when my period was coming to an end. This time it was/is back pain and arm pain and general joints. Yesterday was crazy, I think I had to take about 4 Codeine, 2  NurofenFlash, which I bought here, and 3 Sleeping Acetaminophen to get me through the day/night, as well as the Mineral Ice gel. Thankfully they all helped and I was able to get through my first day of teaching alright.
         Now that I know what to keep an eye out for, at the end of this month when my period comes I will add more Iron and Thiocyanate filled foods to my diet so I can build up my blood strength. I think I will also begin keeping a food journal once more, or up least update it in terms of my health so I can understand the patterns that my body is cycling through. I also had excessive food cravings and was overly cold last week, which is probably another sign pointing to me being sick yesterday and today. So for my next period, I will be sure to add more Iron and Thiocyanate rich foods to my diet so that my body can feel better.
         Let it also be noted that I gave up on the Food Journal and the diet because I didn’t feel like my efforts were amounting to much (as well as the pressure from my parents who felt offended that I wasn’t eating their food). But now that I understand a bit better what my body is doing, I will start eating more of the foods on the list and maybe I’ll record them to have an idea of what works best and what doesn’t.


Scrambled Eggs with Ham and Onions

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