Friday, August 7, 2015

A Few Simple Steps to Making a Cayenne Pepper & Castor Oil Mix

Castor Oil
Cayenne Pepper
An Empty Container that can withstand heat
Optional: Lavender Oil

Step 1: Gather all your materials together in one place. Open your empty container.

Step 2: Place your desired amount of Cayenne Pepper into the container. I always am very liberal with how much I add because Cayenne Pepper is a strong anti-inflammatory, and I know that the more I add, the more potent my mix will be.

I didn't bother to measure how much Cayenne Pepper I put, I just put a lot!
 Step 3: Pour in your Castor Oil.

Getting ready to pour in the Castor Oil.
After pouring in the Castor Oil. I didn't measure the amount of Castor Oil either,
just made sure to add enough to more than cover the Cayenne Pepper.

The stuff that changed my life! <3_<3
 Step 4: Seal your container and store in a cool dry place.

This is what your finished product will look like.

After the Castor Oil is poured in to your container, don't mix around the oil! As the Cayenne Pepper absorbs the Castor Oil it will turn a darker color, showing that it is saturated with oil. You don't want any of the Cayenne Pepper to settle on top of the castor oil, because then it won't saturate. However, if that does happen, simply place your tightly sealed container into another container of hot water, and shake it up until the castor oil and cayenne pepper are completely mixed together, with no cayenne pepper sitting on top of the oil.

When you are ready to use your oil, either use it as is, rubbing the oil between your hands to heat it up, or place the tightly sealed container into another container full of hot water to heat your oil. When I heat my oil, I usually place the container into boiled water to get maximum potency, and then I use the oil once it's heated.

Boiled the water on the stove top and placed the oil mix into the hot water.
Be careful not to let any water get into your container! That will make the oil mixture start to go bad.

Optional: Add a few drops of lavender oil to your mix to make it smell nice! As I've mentioned before, Lavender Oil also has anti-inflammatory properties. :)


  1. Hi Nandi, this is a rub that can be used on your body wherever the pain is. I've used it on my knees, hips, back, cheeks & jaw (when I had my wisdom teeth removed), and on my wrists. It's quite helpful for pain relief. :)

  2. I used to only use it when I felt pain until I discovered that using it actually helps to strengthen (over time) the area that I was using it on. Since then, I have been using the Castor Oil daily on my hips, which used to be a huge source of trouble for me with the pain that would come now & then. With using the Castor Oil each night, the hip pain has gotten better :D Thanks about the blog! When I started to see that what I was doing was working to improve my health I had to get the word out there. There's a lot of links to other sites & resources and I hope they will all help your King :)

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Chance, thank you for your comment! :) I have put practically everything I know and that has helped me with my Sickle Cell onto this website. I was thinking recently of posting again but also have been busy. But I am still here to respond to your comments. Have a blessed day! :)

    2. Thank you Ray!your blog is really helpful.keep up the good work.

    3. You're welcome Chance, and thank you for the encouragement! If you have ant other questions, please always feel free to comment :)
