Friday, May 29, 2015

Lavender Oil! An Oil with Similar Benefits to Castor Oil

So I've had some lavender oil laying around my room for the past several months. It was recommended to me as a sleep aid (people with SCD often also suffer from insomnia... talk about adding insult to injury!), as the smell of it helps the mind and body to relax. Unfortunately, it did not help me as much as I would have liked, and so the bottle was just hanging around, out of use. Lavender essential oil smells really fantastic, and one day I decided to see what I could use it for, besides being a sleep aid. It turns out that Lavender Oil has benefits to it that are very similar to Castor Oil! It's an ant-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial that stimulates hair growth, and among the many other benefits it has, it makes things smell nice! Being as how it's an essential oil, it needs to be diluted, so I added it to my Castor Oil to make it less smelly (even though the cold-pressed, cold-processed Castor Oil is already low on odor... it needs all the help it can get! Lol but please don't be deterred by the smell of it! It works!!!). Naturally, after I found out the amazing benefits to this oil that has similar properties to Castor Oil, I wanted to share it with you all, so here I am, writing about it and sharing my sources with you. Enjoy reading! :)


  1. Hi Ray, have you tried other Essential oils to help in your SCD pain management? I heard it works too.. I pray that you'll be healed from this disease. God Bless!
    Michelle Malaysia.

    1. Hi Michelle, I've found that the Castor oil mixed with the Lavender oil and Cayenne Pepper works so well that I haven't tried anything else for the pain management. All of the ingredients work together very powerfully and well to relieve pain! Thank you for commenting and thank you so much for your prayers! God bless you too! :)

  2. Do you mix them together and rub on affected part? I'm currently in pain now

    1. My apologies for this very late response, the website didn't alert me to this comment post! I use a few drops of essential Lavender Oil with the Castor Oil and that can be used to rub right on the affected area to help relieve pain. Hope that helps!
