Five weeks ago, right at the start of my very busy winter semester (my second in grad school, yay?), I caught the flu from my poor old mom. This was only about two weeks after having fallen down my front steps on an icy, rainy, horrible winter day, and hurting my tail bone, so needless to say, I was miserable. Oh, and did I mention I was just coming off of antibiotics for Strep Throat when I picked this thing up? So my immune system was totally down. I picked up the Strep Throat from one of the kids at the preschool where I did my fieldwork in January, she coughed right in my face (gotta teach the kids not to share germs!). I started feeling sick on Thursday night, but unfortunately for me, I was half in denial, and half didn't realize why I was coughing. On Friday I was coughing a bit, and since my mom was sick too, I figured I better up the ante by adding Vitamin C, honey, and Echinacea to my Moringa in the mornings. I took about 3,000 mg of Vitamin C on Friday, so I thought I was good. Unfortunately for me, Saturday rolled around, and though I took my Vitamin C, Moringa, honey, and Echinacea that morning, I felt awful by the middle of the day. I took my temperature and it was running at 100.7ºF. I felt like I was going to pass out. My body felt as though I was getting some aches and I felt chills as well.
Now, when I was younger and I would get the flu, it would automatically set off a Sickle Cell Crisis and I would also throw up and be bedridden, useless, and in pain for three days. This time was different. Yes, I felt awful on Saturday, but my aches were pretty minor, and I managed my fever with Tylenol Extra Strength 500mg. As well as a bit of bed rest on Saturday and Sunday, but I wasn't bedridden and useless and in pain.b Also, my lovely, delicious combination of Vitamin C, Moringa, honey, and Echinacea restored my immune system in about a day and a half, I kid you not. Saturday was my worst day, and I can't recall how many milligrams of Vitamin C I took that day, probably about 6,000. I drank my lovely Vitamin C, Moringa, honey, and Echinacea concoction about three times on Saturday, probably once on Friday about probably about 2-3 times on Sunday. So by Monday, my flu was just a lingering cough (bronchitis) and by Tuesday I felt like a real person again. All natural remedies (plus Tylenol). They really do work! Also, I had my mom taking the same concoction and she got better within the week as well. My whole house was either sick or getting sick, my poor dad was coughing and I think my sister too. We were all drinking honey like crazy, we ran through about 48 ounces of honey within a week. Sweet stuff! :)
So, my lovely concoction, for anyone who would like to give it a shot (make it sweet!!!)
I poured honey into the bottom of a mug, added about 2 teaspoons of Moringa, opened a capsule of 400 mg of Echinacea into it, and opened 2 capsules of Vitamin C (1000 mg each) into that, and added hot water. Smelled good, tasted interesting. Lol, again, make it sweet, add more honey if you need to. I only opened up the Vitamin C capsules to give my poor ulcerated stomach a rest from having to do the work of absorption. I opened the Echinacea capsule because it's a herb and I personally think it works better when mixed with hot water, but however you want to take your Echinacea or Vitamin C is fine, I just like to have mine this way.
Hope this helps someone kick the flu!!!
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